Officers and Trustees
John G. Chamberlin - President +
Pat Steinkerchner - Vice President +
Barbara Ryan - Secretary +
Cory Chamberlain - Treasurer +
Dee Schlesser - Trustee +
Ted Chamberlain - Trustee +
Paul R. Chamberlain - Trustee +
Chamberlain Key Editor
Maureen Porada +
Website Committee
John G. Chamberlin - Webmaster +
Gene Chamberlain - Administrator +
Dee Schlesser - Administrator +
Marsh Chamberlain - Administrator +
Click the plus sign (+) after the name for a brief bio, or scroll down to see all bios
WCGS Officer,Trustee and Committee Biographies January 2025

Ted Chamberlain has been an officer of the WCGS from its inception at The Library of Michigan in Lansing in 1996. He has served as president, vice president, treasurer, trustee, archivist, and editor of the Chamberlain Key. His interest in history and genealogy began long before that date, however, stretching back to his college days and a fascinating course called Civil War and Reconstruction! Little did he know then that several of his relatives had served in that conflict.
He began “doing living history” even before getting involved with the founding of the WCGS. A longtime interest in the American Civil War was impetus to developing a passion for representing Civil War hero General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. He and Faye have traveled the country as Joshua and Fanny (his wife) for over three decades.
Having spent his early years in Logan County, Ohio, where his Chamberlain ancestors had migrated by the early nineteenth century (Massachusetts/New York/Ohio), he moved to Oregon in 1957. There his immediate family has remained, while he moved around the country during an Army tour and then to several university towns for multiple academic degrees. These degrees led to a career as a professor, a clergyman, and a healthcare businessman. He is now retired and living in Southwest Michigan with his wife (Faye Okuno) of almost sixty years.

I got involved in genealogy in the early 1990's when I found a document from my great-grandfather which allowed him to leave Germany. In 1996 I joined the WCGS and have served as President, Vice-President, and Trustee.
My wife is Lynne and we have been married for 18 years. I have 3 daughters and 8 grand-children.
I retired from the State of New Jersey after 39 years. I worked in environmental protection for the New Jersey Geological Survey. My email address is

I just finished my 20th year as a WCGS member and a participant in the Chamberlin DNA project. My Chamberlin line starts with a string of Richard's in Somerset England and leads through Richard of Braintree. Since around 1540 no two generations of this line have been born and buried in the same place, mostly not even one stay put generation. My great grandfather moved one more time after he died, for good measure. Following that tradition, I was born in Humboldt, Iowa nine months after my father John E. Chamberlin returned from WW II. He managed a chicken hatchery and in 1952 after he returned from Korean Era service we moved to Clarksville Arkansas where he managed a hatchery for 10 years and I went through 1st to 10th grades. We then moved to Fort Smith Arkansas for another hatchery. I started working summers in hatcheries when I was 12 and did that until the summer, I was 20 and upgraded to computer programmer for the same company. I learned computing while getting my Ag Engineering degree from Michigan State. I was drafted after my college graduation and fortunately ended up in a headquarters in Germany. I then went to MIT, got a MS and did travelling from Europe to Afghanistan. A little over 50 years ago I got a job with a financial technology startup in Little Rock, which is where I live today. I quit after three years and started my own software firm, Arkansas Systems. We did some work with chickens, but that somehow evolved into ATM management software and clients around the world. We eventually sold the company and I have done a mix of things since, mostly focused on education, environment, and entrepreneurship. My wife Shannon and I have been married 47 years and have three children: John, Mary and Katharyn; and 3 grandchildren. In addition to genealogy, I write, hike, kayak and have backpacked in national parks. Email:

Bio: I’ve been interested in my family history since I was a teenager and have been researching it for almost 30 years. With some help from Jim PARKER, the WCGS database, and local research, I proved my CHAMBERLIN line back to Henry CHAMBERLIN in 1658/59. Married to H.S. sweetheart Matt STEINKERCHNER; three children; one granddaughter, one grandson on the way. I started my working career as a rocket scientist, managing orbital control systems for RCA Americom (satellite division). Later took on IT management positions in several pharmaceutical companies. Retired at the end of 2017. My email address is

I have been passionate about genealogy for most of my adult life. My first ancestor to arrive in America was Henry Chamberlain, the Blacksmith—not to be confused with Henry the Shoemaker, who traveled on the same ship. My great-grandfather proudly became the first to enlist in the Ohio Volunteer Infantry at the start of the Civil War.
I grew up in Wolfe City, a small rural town in North Texas. After college, I served a four-year tour in the United States Air Force. Following my military service, I dedicated 33 years to the natural gas and allied fuels industry.
Paula, my wife of 57 years, and I are blessed with two sons and five wonderful grandchildren.
I have been an active member of the WCGS for about 15 years, serving two terms as President, one year as Vice President, and less than a year as interim President. Currently, I am a WCGS Trustee and serve as President of the Montgomery County Genealogical and Historical Society in Conroe, Texas.
I often tell others that part of my DNA must include "genealogy genes." I am deeply committed to the genealogical community and am passionate about helping others discover their ancestors. I will continue supporting this vital and fulfilling work as long as I can.

Work History: Gene's work history was as an Accounting Manager, and later as an internal consultant developing electronic payment transactions for a large property and casualty insurance company. His specialty was in budgeting and controlling corporate funds.
Family: Gene has 1 daughter by a prior marriage, with 3 grandchildren. He and his wife Karen have celebrated their 36th anniversary together. They have a son and daughter, neither of which are married (yet). As a youth, Gene had lived in Rochester, NY, Palo Alto, CA, Dallas, TX, Norman, OK, then as an adult in Milwaukee, WI, Detroit, MI, and Chicago, IL. Karen and Gene have since lived in the Chicago suburbs, Farmington, CT, Cincinnati, OH, and presently retired at Hilton Head, SC. They love to travel. In 2024 they have vacationed in Maui Hawaii, Strasbourg, Normandie and Paris, France, and in Utah, Wyoming and Idaho of the western United States.
Genealogy: Gene is an 11th generation direct line descendant of Henry Chamberlayne (1592). Additionally, his mother was a 10th generation direct line descendant of Thomas Sherwood (1586). Both the Chamberlain and Sherwood men emigrated to the Boston area in the 1630's, with Henry landing in Hingham, Massachusetts, while Thomas migrated to Wethersfield and then Fairfield, Connecticut. When Gene lived in Connecticut, he was able to visit each of the towns that both ancestors had lived in within the New England areas of Boston, Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, and the upper St. Lawrence River area of New York State. He later travelled to follow the western migration of both sets of ancestors to Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Illinois and Iowa, where his parents were born.

Dee was born in Evansville, Indiana. Raised all over the world and finally thought I had settled down in 1989 when we moved to Lexington, Kentucky, but that was not the case as I have moved once more in 2021 to Sparta Tennessee. My father and my husband were both Army Retirees. They took me all over the US and Italy, Japan, and three trips to Germany. I served in the Army also and was assigned to Okinawa during Vietnam. My husband David Schlesser died in 1999. I have three children, James, John and Rebecca who all also served in the military. (The boys in the Navy and Rebecca is active duty Army. ) I also have five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. I have held many jobs as we moved so often. Nursing, Tailer and seamstress, Physical Therapy, worked in a special reference lab, editorial clerk, secretary, Patient representative, Machine knitter. I served with the Boy Scouts for 25 years in unit, district, and council levels. I have been a researcher and teacher of genealogy for over 50 years. Until DNA made it available, my oldest confirmed ancestor was George Christopher Chamberlain 1816-1899. Now Richard of Braintree 1611-1674 has been confirmed by Y-DNA. There is still one unconfirmed generation (which son), but it is getting closer to being confirmed. The line: Richard of Braintree, Benjamin, John, John (Old Quail), Joel, (Poss.) Jacob S., George Christopher, George Joel, John Henderson, Genevieve Mae Chamberlain, myself.